To view a bio, please click on the member's name
- U.S. Representative Sue Myrick
- U.S. Representative Robin C. Hayes
- N.C. Senator Patrick Ballantine
- N.C. Senator Robert Pittenger
- N.C. Representative Russell Capps
- N.C. Senator Phillip Berger
- N.C. Senator Fred Smith
- N.C. Senator Neal Hunt
- N.C. Senator James Forrester
- Al. Representative Nick Williams
- Al. Representative Scott Beason
- Ky. Representative Tom Riner
- Ga. Senator Tommie Williams
- Dr. D. James Kennedy, Author, President, Coral Ridge Ministries
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Mercer Island, Wash.
- Mrs. Jane Russell - Santa Maria, Cal.
- Dr. Charles Stanley
- Mrs. Joyce Meyer - St. Louis, Mo.
- Dr. Alveda King - Atlanta, Ga.
- Mr. David Barton - Aledo, Tx.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Norris
- Mr. Darrell Scott
- Mr. Howard Phillips, Chairman, The Conservative Caucus
- Mrs. Anne Graham Lotz, Raleigh, N.C.
- Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Troutt - Dallas, Tx.
- Pastor George Pearsons - Fort Worth, Tx.
- Mr. Donald S. McAlvany, Author, President, I.C.A.
- Dr. Marshall Foster, President, Mayflower Institute
- Dr. Wayne House, Professor, Simon Greenleaf University School of Law
- Dr. Mark Chironna - Orlando, Fla.
- Dr. Robert Cornuke, Colorado Springs,Co.
- Colonel Ronald D. Ray, Attorney and Military Historian - Louisville, Ky.
- Hon. Bill Richardson - Fair Oaks, Cal.
- Gerard V. Bradley, Att.,Prof. Notre Dame Law School
- Pastor Andrae Crouch - Pacoima, Cal.
- Mr. Walter O. Meloon - Orlando, Fla.
- Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baumann - Plano, Tx.
- Judge Darrell White (ret.), Baton Rouge, La.
- Mr. Dennis Bailey, Attorney - Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Mr. Ted Amshoff, Attorney - Louisville, Ky.
- Dr. Ted Baehr, Chairman, The Christian Film & Television Commission
- Mr. Jim Branch - Raleigh, N.C.
- Mrs. Janet Folger - Dania Beach, Fla.